Wednesday 20 February 2008

I woke up this morning and felt 'light'! I know, weird, but I rushed off down to the scales (I can't help it, I admit it, I am on the scales every morning!) and I WAS IN THE 11s!!! Can't believe it. Felt amazing. I do know that these little peeks on the scales can lie, but I have been doing this every day since about the middle of week 2, and generally the loss has stayed. But even if it doesn't, just seeing that weight was so fantastic and made me believe that this time the diet really is working.

Annoyingly its a week til payday and I am overdrawn, with a friend's birthday at the weekend! But have a dress to return to Miss Selfridge tonight, so that will tide me over. Ashamed to admit that while the diet is going well, I haven't quite sorted out the finances and general day to day organisation! But I don't feel too bad about thing at a time, and I know that losing the weight will lift my confidence and help me get other things sorted out too.

It is almost seeming too this is all going to come crashing down, and I'll have a big gain, or I'll get stuck on a weight or something. But I know that this time I am tracking points properly and I am even getting a bit of excersize. NO reason why it should stop! I am almost scared that it is happening, as much as I am pleased it is happening. If I get slim then I'm not the same person almost...the worries that I've had for the last 5 years will be gone. What will I do then! What if I'm still not happy with myself? Can't think like that...this time when I get slim I will trust the scales and the size in my clothes and will understand that I am not fat and will endeavour to be happy with my body!

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